Though all love originates in God and is for that reason God's own love, yet we are permitted to catch and reflect back that love in such manner that it becomes our love indeed, in much the same way that sunlight reflected from the moon becomes moonlight. - A.W. Tozer

Thursday, November 19, 2015

It's Beginning to Feel a Lot Like...Summer, Really

Life continues well here in sunny Florida. We are enjoying the balmy temperatures and are amazed every day when we walk outside into the 85 degree November afternoons.

We still don't have internet. I won't elaborate on that particular topic, as it might lead me to say things I shouldn't.

The kids are doing their school work with a minimum amount of fuss, which isn't to say no fuss, but certainly not as much as there could be...or so I console myself. We've found a homeschool organization in nearby Ocala, so they've made a few friends and are being socialized, for all of you that might be concerned about such things.

Aaron and his co-workers are putting the finishing touches on the UAV's, and they are excited about the coming trip to Ecuador. As I've mentioned before, they'll be testing the UAV's with the kind of landscape you just can't get in central Florida. For example, they'll be flying over the Andes to see if the little planes can handle the stresses of wind and elevation. They'll also be taking videos of their flights to use in presentations and to study as well. I hope to be able to link to those videos at some point in the not too distant future.

The kids and I will head to Oklahoma, and Aaron will meet us there when he flies home from Quito. We're looking forward to the actual journey, which will be a long series of field trips if I get my way, but we're especially excited to get back "home" and visit family. 

We really do plan to get internet as soon as we can, and when that magical day comes, I will post much more often. I promise.

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